X-Payment Twitter

Note zachys (atomic units) are 10^6 in X-Cash


This method gets the stats

URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/stats/

Method: GET

Inputs: None.


  • totalUsers - unsigned int; Total users registered.

  • avgTipAmount - unsigned int; Average tip amount sent in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalDeposits - unsigned int; Total deposits.

  • totalWithdraws - unsigned int; Total withdraws.

  • totalTipsPublic - unsigned int; Total public tips sent.

  • totalTipsPrivate - unsigned int; Total private tips sent.

  • totalVolumeSentPublic - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for public tips, in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalVolumeSentPrivate - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for private tips, in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalTipsLastDayPublic - unsigned int; Total public tips sent in last day.

  • totalTipsLastDayPrivate - unsigned int; Total private tips sent in last day.

  • totalVolumeSentLastDayPublic - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for public tips in last day, in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalVolumeSentLastDayPrivate - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for private tips in last day, in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalTipsLastHourPublic - unsigned int; Total public tips sent in last hour.

  • totalTipsLastHourPrivate - unsigned int; Total private tips sent in last hour.

  • totalVolumeSentLastHourPublic - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for public tips in last hour, in zachys (atomic units).

  • totalVolumeSentLastHourPrivate - unsigned long long; Total volume sent for private tips in last hour, in zachys (atomic units).

$ curl -X GET https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/stats/ -H 'Accept: application/json'
  "totalUsers": 7,
  "avgTipAmount": 10,
  "totalDeposits": 5,
  "totalWithdraws": 17,
  "totalTipsPublic": 7,
  "totalTipsPrivate": 10,
  "totalVolumeSentPublic": 500000000,
  "totalVolumeSentPrivate": 1000000000,
  "totalTipsLastDayPublic": 7,
  "totalTipsLastDayPrivate": 10,
  "totalVolumeSentLastDayPublic": 500000000,
  "totalVolumeSentLastDayPrivate": 1000000000,
  "totalTipsLastHourPublic": 7,
  "totalTipsLastHourPrivate": 10,
  "totalVolumeSentLastHourPublic": 500000000,
  "totalVolumeSentLastHourPrivate": 1000000000

Stats Per Day

This method gets the daily amount of payments and volumes sent per day

URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/statsPerDay/{start}/{limit}

Method: GET


  • start - Required - The start day to return data (Default is 1, the first start day).

  • limit - Required - The maximum amount of days to return (Default is all).

Inputs: None.


Array of objects with the following structure:

  • time - unsigned int; Total users registered.

  • amount - unsigned long long; Total tips sent.

  • volume - unsigned long long; Total volume sent in zachys (atomic units).

$ curl -X GET https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/statsPerDay/1/2/ -H 'Accept: application/json'
    "time": 1654228489,
    "amount": 100,
    "volume": 100000000
    "time": 1654228489,
    "amount": 100,
    "volume": 100000000

Top Stats

This method gets the top users for tips and volume

URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/topStats/{amount}

Method: GET


  • amount - not required - The amount of items to return (Default is 10).

Inputs: None.


  • topTips - Array of objects with the following structure:

    • username - string; The username.

    • tips - unsigned int; Total tips sent.

  • topVolumes - Array of objects with the following structure:

    • username - string; The username.

    • volume - unsigned long long; Total volume sent in zachys (atomic units).

$ curl -X GET https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/topStats/2 -H 'Accept: application/json'
  "topTips": [
      "username": "test1",
      "tips": 105
      "username": "test2",
      "tips": 100
  "topVolumes": [
      "username": "test1",
      "volume": 105000000
      "username": "test2",
      "volume": 100000000

Recent Tips

This method gets the recent tips

URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/recentTips/{amount}

Method: POST


  • amount - not required - The amount of items to return (Default is 10).

Inputs (All are required):

  • sort - "First" for most recent tips, "Last" for the least recent tips.

  • type - "Public" for only public transactions, "Private" for only private transactions, "All" for both.


Array of objects with the following structure:

  • tweetId - string; The tweet id.

  • fromUser - string; The username who sent the tip.

  • toUser - string; The username who received the tip.

  • amount - unsigned long long; The anount of the tip in zachys (atomic units).

  • time - unsigned int; The time.

  • type - string; The tip type.

$ curl -X POST https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xpayment-twitter/twitter/unauthorized/recentTips/2 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{"sort":"First","type":"All"}'
    "tweetId": "",
    "fromUser": "",
    "toUser": "",
    "amount": 0,
    "time": 1654204410,
    "type": "private"
    "tweetId": "1531918830276075521",
    "fromUser": "test1",
    "toUser": "test",
    "amount": 5000000,
    "time": 1654195778,
    "type": "public"

Last updated