Note zachys (atomic units) are 10^6 in X-Cash
This method gets the stats
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/stats/
Method: GET
Inputs: None.
mostTotalRoundsDelegateName - string; The delegate name that has participated in the most X-Cash DPOPS rounds.
mostTotalRounds - unsigned int; The most total rounds.
bestBlockVerifierOnlinePercentageDelegateName - string; The delegate with the best online percentage.
bestBlockVerifierOnlinePercentage - unsigned int; The best online percentage.
mostBlockProducerTotalRoundsDelegateName - string; The delegate will the most block producer rounds.
mostBlockProducerTotalRounds - unsigned int; Total most block producer rounds.
totalVotes - unsigned long long; Total votes in zachys (atomic units).
totalVoters - unsigned int; Total voters.
averageVote - unsigned int; Average vote amount in zachys (atomic units).
votePercentage - unsigned int; The percentage of the amount of xcash ciruclating compared to how much is being voted.
roundNumber - unsigned int; The round number of X-Cash DPOPS.
totalRegisteredDelegates - unsigned int; Total registered delegates.
totalOnlineDelegates - unsigned int; Total online delegates.
currentBlockVerifiersMaximumAmount - unsigned int; The current amount of delegates that the system will use.
currentBlockVerifiersValidAmount - unsigned int; The current amount of delegates that is needed for verification.
Registered Delegates
This method gets all of the registered delegates
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/delegates/registered
Method: GET
Inputs: None.
Array of objects with the following structure:
votes - unsigned long long; Total votes in zachys (atomic units).
voters - unsigned int; Total voters.
IPAdress - string; The IP address or domain name.
delegateName - string; The delegate name.
sharedDelegate - bool;
seedNode - bool;
online - bool;
fee - unsigned int; The fee.
totalRounds - unsigned int; Total rounds.
totalBlockProducerRounds - unsigned int; Total block producer rounds.
onlinePercentage - unsigned int; The online percentage.
Online Delegates
This method gets all of the online delegates
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/delegates/online
Method: GET
Inputs: None.
Array of objects with the following structure:
votes - unsigned long long; Total votes in zachys (atomic units).
voters - unsigned int; Total voters.
IPAdress - string; The IP address or domain name.
delegateName - string; The delegate name.
sharedDelegate - bool;
seedNode - bool;
online - bool;
fee - unsigned int; The fee.
totalRounds - unsigned int; Total rounds.
totalBlockProducerRounds - unsigned int; Total block producer rounds.
onlinePercentage - unsigned int; The online percentage.
Active Delegates
This method gets the current active delegates (top 50) during the round
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/delegates/active
Method: GET
Inputs: None.
Array of objects with the following structure:
votes - unsigned long long; Total votes in zachys (atomic units).
voters - unsigned int; Total voters.
IPAdress - string; The IP address or domain name.
delegateName - string; The delegate name.
sharedDelegate - bool;
seedNode - bool;
online - bool;
fee - unsigned int; The fee.
totalRounds - unsigned int; Total rounds.
totalBlockProducerRounds - unsigned int; Total block producer rounds.
onlinePercentage - unsigned int; The online percentage.
This method gets the delegates data
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/delegates/{delegateName}
Method: GET
delegateName - Required - The delegates name.
Inputs: None.
votes - unsigned long long; Total votes in zachys (atomic units).
voters - unsigned int; Total voters.
IPAdress - string; The IP address or domain name.
delegateName - string; The delegate name.
publicAddress - string; The public address.
about - string; about.
website - string; website.
team - string; team.
specifications - string; server Specifications.
sharedDelegate - bool;
seedNode - bool;
online - bool;
fee - unsigned int; The fee.
totalRounds - unsigned int; Total rounds.
totalBlockProducerRounds - unsigned int; Total block producer rounds.
onlinePercentage - unsigned int; The online percentage.
rank - unsigned int; The delegates current rank.
Delegate Rounds Stats
This method gets the stats about the blocks the delegate produced
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/delegates/rounds/{delegateName}
Method: GET
delegateName - Required - The delegate name.
Inputs: None.
totalBlocksProduced - unsigned int; The total blocks produced by the delegate
totalBlockRewards - unsigned long long; The total xcash from the blocks produced in zachys (atomic units).
averagePercentage - unsigned int; The average the delegate has produced a block. (100 is average, 200 is twice as good etc etc)
averageTime - unsigned int; The average time (in minutes) it takes for the delegate to produce a block.
blocksProduced - an arrray with the following structure:
blockHeight - unsigned int; The block height.
blockReward - unsigned long long; The block reward in zachys (atomic units).
time - unsigned int; The time stamp.
Delegates Votes
This method gets the vote data for a delegate
Method: GET
delegateName - Required - The delegate name.
start - Required - The start item to return data (0 is the first item).
limit - Required - The maximum amount of items to return (Maximum of 1000).
Inputs: None.
An array of objects with the following structure:
publicAddress - string; The public address who created the vote.
amount - unsigned long long; The vote amount in zachys (atomic units).
reserveProof - string; The reserve proof.
Vote Details
This method gets the vote data from a specific address
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/votes/{address}
Method: GET
address - Required - The public address.
Inputs: None.
delegateName - string; The delegate name voted for.
amount - unsigned long long; The vote amount in zachys (atomic units).
Round Details
This method gets the round details
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/rounds/{blockHeight}
Method: GET
blockHeight - Required - The block height for the round.
Inputs: None.
An array of delegate names that verified the block
Last Block Producer
This method gets the last block producer
URL: https://api.xcash.foundation/v1/xcash/dpops/unauthorized/lastBlockProducer
Method: GET
Inputs: None.
lastBlockProducer - The last block producer.
Last updated